4 Proven Health Benefits of Going Dairy Free and Eating Non-Dairy Nutrition Bars
by Robb Dorf on May 29, 2018

Dairy, specifically, milk, has been a subject of controversy over the past few years, given clinical findings that show that it’s not as healthy as once believed. Increasingly, large numbers of people are going dairy free (i.e. free from milk, milk products or other foods containing milk) in an attempt to overcome all manner of minor and serious states of discomfort or disease. Here are 4 proven health benefits of a diet that’s completely dairy free and how eating non-dairy nutrition bars can help:
Clear SkinStudies have shown that there is a correlation between acne and the consumption of milk, particularly in skimmed or low-fat form, amongst teenagers. Milk contains androgenic hormones and other bioactive molecules which impact hormone sensitive glands, hence it has been suggested by the study that moderation of milk may be of benefit to managing teen acne.
Less Bloating and Improved DigestionLactose intolerance, according to an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine, is common among adults and is a clinically relevant problem. People who have lactose intolerance have difficulties digesting the lactose that is present in dairy products and therefore shortly afterward, exhibit a range of symptoms of digestive discomfort including abdominal cramping, diarrhea, bloating, gas, nausea and sometimes, vomiting.
Reduction in the Risk and Incidence of CancerAccording to a Study from 2006, a “modest” elevation of the risk of ovarian cancer is seen for lactose intake which was at the level of 3 or more servings of milk per day. Otherwise, no associations were reported. In terms of breast cancer, another study reported a significant linear relationship between dairy consumption and breast cancer risk based on a dose-response analysis. Clinical findings also support an increased risk of prostate cancer and mortality as a result of consumption of dairy. It was recommended to avoid dairy products to reduce the risk of contracting this illness.
Prevention of Milk AllergyAnimal cow’s milk is reportedly the leading cause of allergic reactions in young children. A milk allergy is chiefly the result of a reaction to a protein found in milk. Symptoms include wheezing, hives, vomiting, nausea, loose stool, diarrhea, runny nose, sinus infection, intermittent coughing and abdominal cramping. More rarely, a milk allergy can also cause anaphylactic shock or lead to cardiac arrest.
The Alternatives
Whilst a dairy free diet has all of these important health benefits, it’s important to bear in mind that a diet stripped completely of dairy and dairy products can be deficient in some crucial and very essential vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. It is, therefore, a necessity to have a discussion with your doctor on how best to supplement your diet based on your specific needs.
Some typically safer dairy alternatives include goat’s milk, coconut milk, as well as almond milk. Additionally, the required levels of nutrition may be sourced via vitamin and mineral supplements, although whole foods are always the preferred option. Maintaining adequate nutrition is essential whilst going dairy free to ensure you not only keep illness at bay but also reap the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
If you are looking for non-dairy nutrition bars, PureFit nutrition bars are dairy-free and contain no animal products. Try them today.