One of the biggest challenges to maintaining a healthy weight is portion control, which includes having to work out the correct portion sizes to eat from each food group and learning to maintain the ratio on a daily basis. Portion control doesn’t have to be very difficult. Here are some tips.
Avoid Skipping Meals
This may appear counter-intuitive to inexperienced weight-watchers, but eating regularly throughout the day will not add to your weight if you eat right. Examine how often you are craving your next meal during the day. Some people are happy with 3 meals, some with 4, and some need 5 meals spaced out evenly to feel satiated. Follow your body’s natural rhythm, otherwise, you will end up feeling ravenous and eating more at the next meal.
Plan Ahead
The easiest way to get sidetracked from your carefully thought out diet plan is not having ready meals or easy-to-cook meals available just when you need them. It’s tempting to pop into the restaurant and café on the way home after work when you’re at your most tired and simply don’t want to cook.
Meals can be made ahead of time during the weekend and frozen so you can simply take them out and reheat them. Alternatively, you can store chopped vegetables, fruits, and meats in portion-controlled packs that can help you rustle up a meal in no time. Also, think about putting together make-ahead snack packs. PureFit Nutrition Bars can also be used as delicious snacks that give you energy, without containing too many calories. So they can also help you manage your portions.
The Easiest Way to Work Out Portion Sizes
If portion sizes are generally difficult for you to control, the easiest first step to take is to start using smaller plates. These portion control plates will give you the illusion of a full plate, but with much less food. Fill about half of the plate with vegetables and fruits, a quarter with lean protein, and the remaining quarter with carbohydrates.
Always have protein in every meal as they take longer to digest and will, therefore, leave you feeling fuller longer. Also consider using measuring cups, bowls, or plates, to prevent you from overestimating portions.
The Importance of Sleep, Hydration, and Stress Management
While sleep, hydration, and stress management are not connected directly to portion sizes, they do have a huge bearing on you being able to manage your diet plans successfully. Studies have shown that people who do not get adequate amounts of sleep or are constantly sleeping late have a tendency to eat more.
It’s also easy to confuse the signals of thirst with those of hunger. Often when you think you’re hungry, you’re actually feeling thirsty. Drink adequate amounts of water throughout the day to prevent unnecessary snacking.
Last, but not the least, when you’re constantly stressed, your body is always on high alert, expending more resources to managing the stress, which means you don’t burn fat as effectively.
Managing portion sizes doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. Some planning and foresight can help you ward off temptation and stick to your plan with more determination and focus.
Don’t forget to try PureFit Nutrition Bars to help you manage your portion sizes and boost your energy!