What to Consider When Looking at the Sugar Content of Your Nutrition Bar
by Robb Dorf on Apr 06, 2018

How bad is sugar for you? No other carbohydrate has had as much flak from the diet and nutrition industry as sugar. Sugar has been unfairly linked to many of the most common ills that plague the modern world including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and general dysfunction. But as with other foods, moderation is key when it comes to sugar, which includes the sugar contained in nutrition bars. Here are several reasons why sugar isn’t the real enemy and why you shouldn’t be frightened of having sugar in your diet in the right amounts.
The 40/30/30 Diet Plan
Balance and moderation have always been the key to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. In other words, find a good balance in food groups and ensure that you avoid overeating from any one food group, particularly when it comes at the expense of the others. This applies to sugar as well.
The 40/30/30 diet plan follows a recommended pattern which has been proven to be most effective in maintaining a healthy weight and keeping diseases at bay, provided it is followed in conjunction with a daily exercise or activity program. 40 percent of your daily and individual meal calorie requirements should be met by carbohydrates, 30 percent by protein, and 30 percent by healthy fats.
The protein in the meal slows down the digestion of carbohydrates, reducing sharp sugar spikes as well as leaving you fuller for longer. The portion of healthy fats, in the meanwhile, helps protect the heart and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, whilst at the same time adding to feelings of satiety with the meal.
Our PureFit Nutrition Bars follow the same recommended 40:30:30 pattern meaning that you have a perfect carb/protein/healthy balance which prevents sudden insulin spikes, leaves you feeling fuller for longer, and gives you sustained energy levels for up to 4 hours, which is typically the time gap until your next meal.
Quantity Counts
Excessive sugar or too much sugar combined with lack of exercise is the main reason why sugar has taken such a bad rep for so long. The results can be particularly harmful to the body. The American Heart Association allows for a maximum of 150 calories/36 grams/9 teaspoons of sugar for men and 100 calories/25 grams/6 teaspoons of sugar for women. For comparison purposes, some common foods along with their sugar measurements are listed below:
1 Apple – 19g of sugar
1 Banana – 14g of sugar
Snickers Bar 100g – 47g of sugar
Clif Energy Bar 68g – 22g of sugar
PureFit Energy Bar 57g – 14g of sugar
The Verdict
Sugar on its own is rarely the culprit and avoiding sugar entirely can lead to food cravings, feelings of deprivation and binge eating, none of which are healthy eating behaviors. Aim to obtain your sugars in the 40/30/30 meal combination, as opposed to eating carbohydrates all by themselves. Stick to your recommended daily calorie intake and exercise regularly.
Try some of our Nutrition Bars today to help you get the benefits of a 40/30/30 Diet Plan.