PureFit has been defending the carbohydrate-protein-fat ratio (otherwise known as 40/30/30) in PureFit bars for close to 20 years. To be frank, today's medical community really has sugar wrong. They should be teaching "glycemic index," and how a food affects one’s blood sugar levels. Instead all they focus on is sugar and carbohydrates. Since we evolved, as humans, on a well-balanced diet, I am baffled that almost 20 years after starting PureFit, we still are trying to blame one ingredient for obesity, diabetes, and many other diseases. Yes, excess sugar can create a host of issues. But please read this email we received this morning from a long-term customer and fan of PureFit.
Dear PureFit-
I recently did a 2 week 24 hour a day glucose monitoring study for my endocrinologist to see how well my diabetic medications were working. I take oral meds Metformin and Glipizide. I had to log all my meals for her to study after the two week period. During the two week period, I ate PureFit bars for energy before I went to the gym or at night before bed if I wanted a snack. I take Glipizide at night so sometimes I need to eat something to keep the blood sugar steady at night.
At my 2 week follow up appointment, my endocrinologist looked at my food chart and asked what a PureFit bar was. I explained it to her but she wanted technical info so she googled the bars to get the nutritional information. After looking at the sugar and carbohydrate contents she said these bars are not good for a diabetic because they are too high in sugar and carbs, and told me I should've eat them. Then she looked at the 24 hour blood sugar study to see what affects they had on my blood sugar. To her surprise, every time I ate a PureFit bar, my blood sugar did not spike up like she thought it would, but rather remained steady and within an acceptable range. She looked again at the contents and commented that it must be the high protein and the fat contents in the bar that help my body metabolize the bars without spiking my blood sugar, and then she admitted she was wrong and said I can eat PureFit bars. My endocrinologist never admits she is wrong, so I was pretty shocked when she said that. Bottom line is the PureFit bars work for me and help give me energy for workouts without spiking my blood sugars.
SB from Concord, CA
Please share this with your friends and family, It’s about time the medical community admits they have it wrong. Why they have gone down this road for so long is baffling.
You can download a free copy of the PureFit Fat-Burning Guidelines here: https://purefit.com/pages/product-details
It is important to note that PureFit is not offering medical advice. PureFit is not making any medical claims. You should always seek the advice of a doctor. PureFit has not tested our bars for a glycemic response.