What makes your bar different than all the other bars on the market?
Most nutrition bars contain the “Big Four” common ingredients… hydrogenated oils, trans fats, sugar alcohols, and artificial sweeteners. PureFit Bars are all natural and do not contain anything remotely resembling the Big Four! Additionally, PureFit Bars are wheat and gluten-free, vegan, kosher, and will not melt in their packaging like other bars.
Are PF bars “better” than PowerBar, Clif or other popular brand-name nutrition bars?
Better is a word we like to avoid. Beneficially different?… we like to think so (and our customers tend to agree)! Both Clif and PowerBar offer ½ the protein of a PureFit bar, and it is that protein that is essential to stabilizing blood sugar levels. Moreover, the higher protein choices now being offered by both companies contain hydrogenated oils (palm kernel oil / fractionated palm kernel oil) in their chocolate coating. Palm oil, although less harmful than partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, is far more conducive to heart disease than heart-protecting liquid oils such as olive, soy and canola. Furthermore, while some palm oil is produced in an environmentally sustainable manner, most comes from decidedly non-sustainable sources.
Why wont PureFit bars melt in their packaging under normal circumstances?
Because unlike other nutrition bar manufacturers, we will not use hydrogenated oils that are found in the chocolate covered coating of other’s bars. Hydrogenated oils break down and melt under normal heated conditions. PureFit Bars don’t.
How much protein is in a PureFit Bar?
You’ll find 18 grams of protein in a PureFit Bar, which in many cases is nearly three-times as much as most other so-called nutrition bars. Where does the fat in your bars come from?} The fat in PureFit Bars naturally occurs in the Almond Butter or Peanut Butter, and of course we do not add any fats, nor are their any artery-clogging trans fats in any of our products.
Are PureFit bars a meal replacement?
No, and you should never think of anyone’s nutrition bar as a true meal replacement. A meal is a meal. A nutrition bar is a nutrition bar.
What’s the shelf life of a PureFit Nutrition Bar?
Technically 18 months, but in all reality, PureFit Bars taste best if consumed within the first six months of production. Look for the “Best Buy” date, which is clearly marked on all PureFit Bar boxes and wrappers.
How many flavors do you have and can I make a suggestion for a new flavor?
PureFit Nutrition Bars are available in seven great-tasting flavors: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter Toffee Crunch, Berry Almond Crunch, Chocolate Brownie, Peanut Butter Crunch, Almond Crunch, and Granola Crunch (which we also call Cinnamon Oatmeal.) While we’re always open to hearing your ideas for new flavors, trust us when we say, we’ve heard them all. In 15 years of being in business, we’ve heard a lot of great ideas—some that leave us scratching our heads and others that make us go Hmmm!
Are PureFit Nutrition Bars available in retail stores, and if so, which ones?
Indeed, PureFit Nutrition Bars are available in fine retail grocery, health food stores, coffee shops, and retail locations across the United States.
How long have you been in business?
We first started selling PureFit bars in November of 2001.
Are PureFit Bars safe for kids?
Absolutely. Unlike some nutrition bar manufacturers, we do not fortify PureFit Bars with low quality vitamins and minerals that may case toxicity levels in small children, nor are our bars enhanced with any types of stimulants or herbs.
Are PureFit Bars safe for vegans?
Yes, the entire line of PureFit Nutrition Bars is vegan.
Are PureFit Bars Kosher?
Yes, our entire line of nutrition bars is kosher.
Where do the sugars in your bars come from?
Brown Rice Syrup and Beet Syrup
What is 40/30/30?
This is a food plan comprising an accurate balanced ratio of carbohydrates (40%), fat (30%) and proteins (30%) to achieve what we–and many health professionals–believe to be an optimized and balanced state of nutrition.
What is 40/30/30?
This is a food plan comprising an accurate balanced ratio of carbohydrates (40%), fat (30%) and proteins (30%) to achieve what we–and many health professionals–believe to be an optimized and balanced state of nutrition.